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When beginning your journey to retirement there are some key things to initiate right away: Setting clear goals, starting to save, and getting invested. Setting clear goals provides direction to your retirement planning, allowing for a structured approach to the financial future you envision. However, having a plan is not enough, and the most important step is to actually begin saving and getting those savings allocated toward the right investments.

Key Things to Consider

Key Things to Consider

Set Clear Goals
Start Saving
Get Invested

Starting Out

Embarking on your financial journey can be both exciting and daunting. Learn more about the foundational knowledge required to navigate the world of personal finance and investments. Dive in to understand the basics of budgeting, saving, investing, and the early steps of wealth creation, setting a strong foundation for your future.

Husband and wife leaving ceremony and smiling

Set Clear Goals

Establishing well-defined financial goals is pivotal for directing your efforts and resources. By knowing what you're striving for, be it buying a home, traveling, or early retirement, you can create a roadmap that aligns with your ambitions.

Three people working at a table around a computer

Start Saving

The power of consistent saving cannot be underestimated, as even modest contributions can accumulate significantly over time. Cultivating a habit of setting aside a portion of your income regularly lays the foundation for future financial stability.

Two men smiling over a video call

Get Invested

Letting your money work for you is one of the cornerstones of wealth creation. By understanding different investment types, you can potentially grow your savings at a rate that outpaces traditional savings methods, optimizing your financial growth.

Man and woman walking on beach and smiling

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Best practices for 401(k) savings

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Handling emergency funds and unexpected expenses

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Getting Great Advice: Backdoor Roth contributions

Getting Great Advice: Backdoor Roth contributions

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Basics of Backdoor Roth IRA Contributions

Basics of Backdoor Roth IRA Contributions

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How long do you have to live in a home to break even?

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How Retirement Accounts Affect Your Taxes?

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Resources for Starting Out

WealthGuideIQ exists to help individuals and families connect with advisors that are both trustworthy and capable. Schedule a free consultation to learn more.

Free Consultation

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